In the ancient time of an empire, three mighty and wealthy men wanted to impress the sultan. One thought that he would give him delicious picked fruit to enjoy. The other just gave him rotten fruit as he claimed the sultan would not notice the difference. The last argued with the two others and said that the sultan wanted to explore and find something new. Hence he gave him rubbish such as dirty clothes, fish bones etc. When the gifts were delivered, the sultan immediatly ordered all three men to be given a sentenced in jail for ten days, with each their gift and nothing else. The generous man lived with happiness and a full stomach, the second just survived and the third died after some days.
Just think about it! If you don't do well in this world how would you expect Allah to appreciate it? This is the world in which humans are being tested. Afterwards, there will be judgement. That's what should be considered as the real world, not the one now.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - “Do you love your creator? Love your fellow-beings first.”